Books & DVDs
NU Library Catalog
The Library Catalog is available 24 hours per day and lists more than 144,000 books and more than 6,200 DVDs owned by Niagara University Library.
Ebook Central
A database of high-quality electronic books covering many different subjects.
This is a collective catalog of books and other materials owned by more than 20,000 libraries. If you want to do comprehensive research on what books have been written about a topic, this is the place to go.
Other Library Catalogs
- Library Catalogs and Websites in Western New York
- Library Catalogs and Websites in Ontario
- A Big List of Library Websites and Catalogs
- Library of Congress
- Links to State Libraries
- New York State Library
- National Library of Canada
Book Web Sites
-, Barnes & and great places to buy new and used books
- If you need a book that the Library does not own, we can almost always borrow a copy for you through Interlibrary Loan.
- Or, if you are in hurry, and the book is owned by one of the Western New York libraries participating in the AcademicSHARE program, you may visit that library and borrow their materials. Remember to bring your NU ID card with you!