Interlibrary Loan Lending Policies
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This page is for libraries that wish to borrow items from us via ILL.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Interlibrary Loan Department
Niagara University Library
5795 Lewiston Road
Niagara University, NY 14109-2200
ILL Department Phone:
Send email
OCLC Code:
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions or comments regarding interlibrary loan at Niagara University Library, please contact Samantha Gust, Head of Collections.
Methods of Requests
OCLC is the preferred method of requesting items. Please contact please Samantha Gust, Head of Collections, to make alternate requesting arrangements.
Average Turnaround Time
Our average turnaround time is 1 working day. We make every possible effort to process all requests promptly.
Materials We Loan or Photocopy
- Books
- Doctoral dissertations (if we have more than one copy)
- DVDs
- Master's theses (if we have more than one copy)
- Microfilm and fiche periodicals
- Microfilm and fiche newspapers
- Photocopies of journal articles and pages from books (print and microform)
- Undergraduate theses (if we have more than one copy)
Loan Period
The loan period is 6 weeks with a single 2-week renewal allowed.
Foreign Libraries
We lend to all foreign libraries using the charges below. Additional shipping charges will be required.
Lending Fees
We ship Media Mail via the U.S. Postal Service. If another shipping method is desired, the borrowing library must make the arrangements and pay the charges in full. Flat rate lending charges per item are as follows:
- Non-profit libraries in zip codes beginning with 13 & 14: FREE
- In-state academic libraries: FREE
- Other non-profit libraries: $15
- Other academic libraries: $15
- Other medical libraries: $15
- For-profit libraries: $25
We do not charge WNYLRC libraries.
Payment Procedures
IFM is the preferred payment method. Please contact please Samantha Gust, Head of Collections, to make alternate payment arrangements.
Insurance Requirements For Mailing
Insurance is not required for all returns but may be required for special items at our discretion.