Library News
Spring 2011 Library Hours
- January 3, 2011
The Library's hours of operation for the Spring 2011 semester are available on our web site: read on →
Library Director Responds to Student Suggestion
- December 15, 2010
Student Suggestion: "To the NU Library, I think that you should have extended hours the weekend before finals. The Friday and Saturday before, I think it should have hours like the other week nights (8AM-1AM). The library is really where I get most of my studying done, since the dorms can be so... read on →
Quiet Study Areas
- November 23, 2010
Looking for a quiet place to study? Try these areas: Quiet Study Zone (second floor to the right) Private study carrels (first floor) Study rooms when not being used by groups (all three floors) read on →
Thanksgiving Week Hours
- November 18, 2010
Our Thanksgiving week hours are as follows: Sunday, November 21: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Monday, November, 22: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 23: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Wednesday, November 24: Closed Thursday, November 25: Closed Friday, November 26: Closed Saturday, November 27: 10:00 a.m. -... read on →
Christmas Fine Amnesty
- November 12, 2010
Do you owe fines to the Library? Would you like to contribute canned or boxed food items to the needy of our area?From Monday, November 15 until Saturday, December 18 the Library will waive $2.00 of your fines* for every canned or boxed item you contribute (sorry, no Ramen noodles). The Library will... read on →
Looking for Educational or Documentary Videos?
- November 11, 2010
Did you know the Library provides access to educational and documentary videos on DVD and online? For details on how to locate them, visit read on →
ILL Survey Update
- November 8, 2010
Thank you to everyone who completed our interlibrary loan survey! As a result of your comments, we are working to improve this service by: Purchasing more items instead of borrowing them (this will allow you to use items longer) Checking the ILLiad database for contact information errors (to make... read on →
Library Bake Sale - November 2 & 3
- November 1, 2010
The Library is having a bake sale on Tuesday, November 2 and Wednesday, November 3 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Look for our tables of goodies when you enter the Library. Proceeds will benefit the "Lord's Day Dinner" in Niagara Falls on Thanksgiving Day.FYI: The Lord's Day Dinner was started 20... read on →
Library Adds Spiritual Collection
- October 27, 2010
The Library's new Spiritual Collection consists of essential writings of modern spiritual masters. Examples of titles include: The Dalai Lama: Essential Writings Modern Spiritual Masters: Writings on Contemplation and Compassion Pope John XXIII: Essential Writings This collection is located on the... read on →
Help Us Improve ILL (and enter to win $20!)
- October 12, 2010
If you have used NU Library's ILLiad software to request interlibrary loan items, please consider completing this brief survey to help us learn how to improve your experience. If you wish, you may provide your email address at the end of the survey and be entered in a raffle to win $20! Thank you... read on →
Book Sale, October 8-19
- October 8, 2010
Stop in the Library and check out our book sale - all items are only 25 cents! After you enter the Library, turn right. The books are on a range of shelves near the computer workstations on the first floor. read on →
NU Librarians and Graduate Student Presenting in Georgia
- October 1, 2010
NU librarians Melissa Langridge and Ellie Jones and NU graduate student Stephanie Meyer are presenting their workshop "PLEase Make IL Instruction Easy: Applying Educational Theory to Create Active Learning Lesson Plans" this morning at the Georgia Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah. read on →
New Multi-region and Blu-ray DVD Players!
- September 23, 2010
We recently purchased three multi-region DVD players and one Blu-ray player. Check out the list below to see the viewing options available in the Library to NU students and employees: Rare Book Room (Second Floor) Multi-region DVD player VCR Some TV channels via antenna Teacher's Studio (Second... read on →
Looking for Something to Read for Fun?
- September 17, 2010
If you're looking for something to read for fun, come to the Library and check out our Recreational Reading Collection! We have fiction and non-fiction bestsellers, romance novels, and graphic novels. These collections are on the first floor near the Circulation Desk. read on →
TGIF! Grab a Movie and Relax!
- September 10, 2010
Save some money this weekend, and stop by the Library for some movies! You can borrow up to six of our recreational DVDs for a week! read on →